What is the Difference Between Fat Transfer and Liposuction?

The two most common types of body contouring procedures include fat grafting and liposuction.

What is the Difference Between Fat Transfer and Liposuction?

Body contouring procedures target specific areas of the body, giving you the desired physique. The two most common types of body contouring procedures include fat grafting and liposuction. These procedures do more than just reshaping the body.

Since most patients looking to get rid of excess fat tend to be self-conscious about their appearance, they restore their confidence. Before choosing either procedure, consult an expert to help determine the most influential body contouring surgery. Understanding the differences between the two cosmetic surgeries enables you to make a more informed decision.

Fat Transfer/ Fat Grafting

Fat transfer involves acquiring fat from one area of your body and transferring it to other parts of the body. The procedure targets areas that stand to benefit from more fat for more shape and fullness. For example, after a mastectomy, most patients with asymmetrical breasts benefit from a fat transfer to enhance their appearance due to volume loss. Depending on the amount of fat needed, surgeons usually obtain fat from the thighs, buttocks, or belly.

For minor differences in balance, position, or shape of the breast, lipofilling, another form of grafting, corrects such issues. Fat grafting does not involve major surgery, making it less invasive compared to liposuction.


Unlike fat transfer, liposuction removes stubborn fat pockets after diet and exercise fail. Some of the areas surgeons perform liposuction include thighs, belly, hips, buttocks, face, chin, and arms. Depending on the size being treated, a surgeon uses several specialized techniques for enhanced recovery.

Since liposuction gets rid of excess fat, and fat grafting transfers excess fat to affected areas, surgeons usually combine them during specific procedures. Some of the most common combinations include facelift, breast fat grafting, and buttock fat grafting. However, both body contouring procedures address a wide range of issues.

Learn more about body contouring from our team of experts. Contact us today at Signature & Reconstructive Surgery to schedule an appointment.

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