What Men Need to Know Before Having Gynecomastia Surgery

Do you suspect that your chest has enlarged breast tissue? There’s a chance you could be suffering from gynecomastia.

What Men Need to Know Before Having Gynecomastia Surgery

Do you suspect that your chest has enlarged breast tissue? There’s a chance you could be suffering from gynecomastia. This condition has a high prevalence in adults, children, and adolescents. Meaning it can affect a vast majority of people from different demographics in terms of age.

There are many causes of gynecomastia. Some include; marijuana, anabolic steroids, puberty, and others. Regularly conduct breast self-exams before consulting a medical professional. Some you need to look out for include: a firm, tender, mobile, and disc-like mound of tissue under the nipple-areola complex.

 Surgical Corrective Procedure

A thorough assessment detects the presence of lumps, excess fat, and excess skin.  Surgical correction involves excision of excess fat and skin, liposuction of excess fat, or both.  Several strategically placed small incisions provide access for removal of excess tissue.

Before surgery, prepare to make changes in your lifestyle. Some of these changes include increasing your nutrition for enhanced healing and avoiding vices like smoking. If you do not make these changes, you risk developing complications.

In most situations, this procedure is performed under general anesthesia, however, some surgeons may opt for local anesthesia or oral sedation.

Recovery usually takes between two to four weeks. This will depend on the extent of the surgical procedure. The process does not affect your ability to resume your usual life. After several days, you can get back to your daily routine. However, ensure you schedule a follow-up consultation to prevent complications or side effects from worsening.

Complications associated with gynecomastia surgery include mild bleeding, bruising, contour irregularities, and many more. Once you notice something out of the ordinary, seek advice from an expert.

Contact us today at Signature Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery to schedule an appointment with our expert team. We will walk you through the entire process and determine if you are a candidate for gynecomastia surgery.

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